New to succulents and in need of help
Hello, I have no previous experience with taking care of plants, but I was gifted a succulent by a friend who bought one of the giant packages with like 100 baby succulents. I repotted it immediately in the pot shown, and have noticed that while the plant has grown (which is super cool) the roots have not really done anything. Anytime I move the pot the plant clearly shifts a bit. Is there anything I can do to facilitate better root-growth? Also, I have NO CLUE what type of succulent this is, so identifying it would be cool if y’all can somehow do that.
Quick info I think you’ll want to know:
I water it once or twice a week, I don’t have a set number of days just kinda water it when it looks dry
House I am in doesn’t have too many great spots for sun. It probably gets a small-medium amount of sunlight for most of the day
I bought a mix of soil from target that specifically said it was good for succulents.