How do I play melee champions?
Hi! Okay please don‘t flame me for this lol but I‘m a peak Bronze I player who in my entire league career has only played ranged champions, particularly mages. I‘m a mid main and a former support main.
I have tried playing melee champions before but honestly it never went well. The melee champion I‘m best at is Lillia and that‘s just because you play her like a mage. I have tried playing Viego jungle before and it went horrendously as I realised that I have absolutely NO idea how to pilot a melee champion. I keep just dying and feeding.
Recently I‘ve been really interested in playing Talon jungle and mid. I‘m not too fussed with trying him in jungle and it has been alright so far. But honestly? I‘m terrified of playing him mid. I‘ve tried Katarina mid before and kept dying constantly. I just don‘t know how people can play melee champions midlane into mages and succeed? How can I walk up to farm? How can I get XP? I feel like I keep playing them like an absolute pussy never walking up or if I do walking into all of their abilities.
I‘m usually not too bad at dodging skillshots on a mage but I feel like as soon as I play a melee champion I become a neanderthal or something.
Do you guys have any tips on playing melee champions? Whether it‘s playing them mid or in jungle or anywhere else really. How can I not cower from every lick of damage I take and how can I successfully survive ranged poke?