Randomly dieing / instantly dieing for "no reason"

As the title says, last weekend me and my friends were playing a few rounds together and in the first round we were traversing through the map and suddenly our Hudson just died.

A few games later we were sitting at the border of storm, in a bush, planning our next move when out of nowhere the Hudson and Celeste (me) died instantly and out of nowhere too. I was looking at the map at that time. We definitely were NOT in storm. In the clip (i haven't it at home, but not uploaded to youtube yet) it is clear that we went from full health -> dead without dmg ticking in.
Death indicators were from ourselves. Our other two friends were in the same bush with us, and were unscratched.
Is this a known bug? Or is there a mechanic we didn't realise/notice that we have to pay attention to?

I can upload the clip if this is something unknown. But maybe you guys know what i am talking about already :)


Clip of the situation: https://youtu.be/bpRDxOFsjos?feature=shared