i wanna kiss my boyfriend so bad

we kissed twice before, once after he walked me home and on new years. it was always just a smooch and it had me blushing so hard and sometimes i think hes going to kiss me again but it hasnt happened since. idk how to go in for a kiss especially because ive never actually kissed someone other than him and he also has a bit of a problem with things like that because an ex gf of his used to force him to stuff like that and i dont want him to think the same of me. i never know what to do but id love to kiss him i cant stop smiling just thinking about it but i dont want to move too fast either. im also afraid that i have bad breath but i think that should be more of my worry after we kissed more or sum idk IM HELPLESS AND DESPERATE😔😔my bf is so cute too i really cant help myself anymore