First Rewatch

Okay - for context I started the show in middle school, went back into the closet and didn't finish it, then watched it again 2 years ago when I came out as a lesbian.

I am watching it again now after being out for those 2 years and I am having... Such a different experience? Almost a visceral, cathartic one? You guys were right, as usual, that the second time watching is even better than the first.

I used to hate Jenny and now I find myself relating with her so much. Scenes of Bette that used to fill me with anger now make me sad. I'm even able to sit through the weird writing montages and enjoy them in a way I wasn't able to before.

Anyway - I just wanted to say thank you to this community and this show for helping me with my coming out journey - from the beginning to now, when I feel completely comfortable and myself as an out futch lesbian. Curious if anyone else had similar experiences with watching the second time around.