Need to lower T for blood test
Hi everyone,
Long story short I have some seriousish long term health issues, main symptom is it's affecting my testicular function and causing my testosterone to drop. I've gone through 10 surgeries over the space of 2 years, including 2 major open body surgeries and things aren't really much better, before this I lived with low T for years. I've been thinking about TRT for 3 years but decided to push through the surgeries to see if I can fix the cause, but well, I can't, and i've been told by doctors that they've done as much as they can. And i'm done, completely fed up. So it's time for TRT. Of course i'm familiar with how stupid the 'normal' reference ranges are so I need to drop my T by about 25% for my blood test in 7 days, and I want to make sure that I go hard and do this as much as I possibly can. Underground T isn't an option because of travel.
I'm looking for any advice on how to do this. SARMs aren't an option because the blood test is too soon.
So far I have come up with the following plan:
No fats for 7 days before blood test. (T is produced from cholesterol, so not eating fat should lower T) Big calorie deficit for the 7 days before. Gym the day before(rise in T while working out but a drop afterwards). Fast. Dont eat for 30 hours before test. Loads of sugar and caffeine 2 hours before.(spike in insulin and crash in T) No sleep 30+ hours. Alcohol throughout the night before.
Basically i'm trying to put my body into a catabolic state.
Any other tips will be appreciated.