The Great Privilege of Being a True Christian, and the Liberating Pursuit of True Knowledge

The Great Privilege of Being a True Christian, and the Liberating Pursuit of True Knowledge

The breath of life is a genuine miracle. Truth is associated with life. True Christians seek Truth. Jesus is the ultimate Truth, and all truth associates with Him. This includes the truths of creation and our existence within it.

Let us see a few things that Jesus equated to Himself:

The Way

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

The Truth

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

The Life

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

God is Love

"God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him." (1 John 4:16)

The Resurrection

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." (John 11:25)

The Bread of Life

Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." (John 6:35)

The Light of the World

Jesus stated, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12)

The Good Shepherd

Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep." (John 10:11)

The Door

Jesus said, "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture." (John 10:9)

The True Vine

Jesus proclaimed, "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser." (John 15:1)

Now let us consider these with the Antichrist opposites:

Christ Antichrist
The Way Wrong Path / Lost
The Life Death
The Truth Deception
Love Hatred
The Good Shepherd The Bad Shepherd / Hireling
The Light of the World Darkness
The Resurrection Destruction

Consider these opposites. All that hate God love death. And the things associated with the antichrist are listed above.

Regarding the Bad Shepherd / The Hireling, we have more to say below.

The False Teachings and Pagan Cosmologies

Many Christians are embracing true biblical cosmology (otherwise called "Flat Earth) with excitement. Why? Because true Christians value truth. It is exciting and liberating to them. To be set free, or to be released from yet another lie is a breath of relief and yet another victory in the journey of truth.

False teachings and pagan cosmologies do have a clear history. However, they are sometimes lost in the details that make up the present and prevailing world views.

Lets consider some text from Justin Martyr's "Dialogue with Trypho".

And Trypho said, "I believe, however, that many of those who say that they confess Jesus, and are called Christians, eat meats offered to idols, and declare that they are by no means injured in consequence."

And I replied, "The fact that there are such men confessing themselves to be Christians, and admitting the crucified Jesus to be both Lord and Christ, yet not teaching His doctrines, but those of the spirits of error, causes us who are disciples of the true and pure doctrine of Jesus Christ, to be more faithful and stedfast in the hope announced by Him.

For what things He predicted would take place in His name, these we do see being actually accomplished in our sight. For he said, 'Many shall come in My name, clothed outwardly in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.' And, 'There shall be schisms and heresies.' And, 'Beware of false prophets, who shall come to you clothed outwardly in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.' And, 'Many false Christs and false apostles shall arise, and shall deceive many of the faithful.'

There are, therefore, and there were many, my friends, who, coming forward in the name of Jesus, taught both to speak and act impious and blasphemous things; and these are called by us after the name of the men from whom each doctrine and opinion had its origin. (For some in one way, others in another, teach to blaspheme the Maker of all things, and Christ, who was foretold by Him as coming, and the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, with whom we have nothing in common, since we know them to be atheists, impious, unrighteous, and sinful, and confessors of Jesus in name only, instead of worshippers of Him. Yet they style themselves Christians, just as certain among the Gentiles inscribe the name of God upon the works of their own hands, and partake in nefarious and impious rites.)

Some are called Marcians, and some Valentinians, and some Basilidians, and some Saturnilians, and others by other names; each called after the originator of the individual opinion, just as each one of those who consider themselves philosophers, as I said before, thinks he must bear the name of the philosophy which he follows, from the name of the father of the particular doctrine.

So that, in consequence of these events, we know that Jesus foreknew what would happen after Him, as well as in consequence of many other events which He foretold would befall those who believed on and confessed Him, the Christ. For all that we suffer, even when killed by friends, He foretold would take place; so that it is manifest no word or act of His can be found fault with. Wherefore we pray for you and for all other men who hate us; in order that you, having repented along with us, may not blaspheme Him who, by His works, by the mighty deeds even now wrought through His name, by the words He taught, by the prophecies announced concerning Him, is the blameless, and in all things irreproachable, Christ Jesus; but, believing on Him, may be saved in His second glorious advent, and may not be condemned to fire by Him."

Traditions and Paganism of False Christians

Above we see a list of the first pagan sects within Christianity noted by one of the first Christian writers who witnessed these changes in motion. These groups -- particularly the Saturnalians gave you your big "Christian" holidays which, if you celebrate them, you worship the god of this world, Satan. Many Christians do not take this seriously because they belong to the devil. Sad but true. Blunt, but true.

A Model of Sun Worship

The heliocentric model, often symbolizing the sun god Helios, reflects ancient pagan beliefs rooted in sun worship. By positioning the sun at the center, this model reinforces its supremacy and embeds this concept into the collective subconscious. The elevation of the sun to the central axis around which all revolves subtly perpetuates sun worship, while concurrently challenging monotheistic scriptures through what some perceive as a pseudoscientific opposition.

The Sun Worship of the Vatican

Sun worship has been a persistent element in numerous religions, and this paradigm has subtly infiltrated Judeo-Christian doctrine. Despite biblical injunctions against any form of representation, the Vatican is replete with solar symbols and engravings. The designation of Sunday—"dies solis" in Latin, meaning "day of the sun"—as a holy day indicates this implicit symbiosis. Moreover, Jesus, whom the Vatican refers to as "the light of the world," is metaphorically equated with the sun. These symbols and practices suggest a concealed veneration of the sun by the Vatican, which starkly contradicts the pure monotheism mandated by the holy Scriptures.


Whether you welcome it or not, biblical cosmology—complete with a flat earth, firmament, and moving luminaries—is true, and no amount of arguing will change that.

Jesus is True, and we can trust God spoke truly in terms of cosmology.

The earth is not a globe, and it never was. The cosmology centered on the god Helios, or heliocentrism, is just that—the fake universe of a false god. And Christians who defend this are taking the side of the liars. Revelation 22:15