What's the smallest hill you're willing to die on regarding TØP?

I have a lot of hills I'm willing to die on regarding this band, but my smallest (and most important one) is that, within the context of the lore, Bounce man is at least PARTIALLY about Ned.

"You should bounce, bounce, bounce, man."

I know "bounce" is just another way of telling someone to leave, but Ned does, in fact, bounce around. His movements are EXACTLY like this, especially in the Chlorine MV when he walks (bounces) to the pool.

"Float you a couple bands..."

Again, "bands" refers to money, but Tyler loves his double meanings, and I can't help but connect this to Ned (due to Ned's connection to music and Tyler's writing process). In my head, I always see this as Tyler perhaps recommending Ned some music/encouraging him to continue inspiring other song writers, etc. Also. The word "float..." I know that this just means to pass/give someone something but it evokes water related imagery too, which reminds me of the Chlorine MV.

"Then you head to Mexico..."

The coordinates for the Chlorine Location session lead to Mexico!

"I don't know if you got your phone, cause this went straight to voicemail."

Tyler said in an interview that Ned was "on a hiatus, he’s turned his phone off, we can’t find him and he’s turned off his location services off too. Usually, that’s how we would keep in touch with him. And, honestly, if you’re out there, Ned, come on home." ("come to the house, man.")

"And my wife saw your face on the nightly news. Oh boy, what'd you do?"

Ned being wanted in Dema makes so much sense, because he represents Tyler's creativity. Tyler literally said in a 2019 interview that Ned was the reason why they were able to make Trench, and that Ned saved him and Josh. Of course the Bishops are after him. He's the reason Tyler was able to make an album that rebelled against Dema so heavily.

"It don't matter now. If you need a piece, I'll break it down"

"Can you build my house with pieces? I'm just a chemical." To me, these lyrics have multiple meanings, but in relation to Ned, I think it's Tyler asking him whether Ned can help him make something out of his music, because he feels insignificant (this is one of MANY possible interpretations).

So, in the context of Bounce Man (and if you believe the song is about Ned), I feel as if Tyler is telling him that he's willing to perhaps sacrifice a part of what he's made if it means Ned gets to escape. He's willing to sacrifice his art for the sake of Ned's safety.

"Yeah I told you all along, running away don't make you wrong..."

Tyler is pretty much telling Ned that just because he has to leave, doesn't mean what he stands for is wrong or bad. There's nothing wrong with creativity, but there was just no room for that in Dema, and Ned needed to go for the sake of his own safety.

"come to the house man, we'll sing one more song"

Ned is a huge part of Tyler's creative and songwriting process. Tyler wants to make one more song with him before he leaves.

I cried when I listened to Bounce man for the first time, and I still choke up now and then whenever I think about it. A lot of people brush it off as being a silly song (and it is a lil silly) but there's just this sadness to it. And (apply my interpretation to the song...) having to say goodbye to an important part of yourself in order to adapt to your current circumstances is always so hard.

Anyway. I could go on BUT I'm interested in hearing what everyone else's small hill is???