Your stinkiest rider was who...?
I actually have two. My first. The pickup was at a truck yard. I'd arrived at the front entrance. A locked gate with a guard shack. I then noticed my rider approaching. As he passed the entrance, I could clearly see that this guy was filthy. He had several bags that we'd loaded into my trunk. I then took one of my bed blankets that I keep for pets and placed it across the rear seat for him. It was then that the smell hit me. This wasn't odor, it was, "Oh dear." It was like a mule kick to my olfactory sensors. As we drove off my body went into shock. I was sweating, coughing and doing absolutely everything I could to not throw up. After dropping him off, I turned the corner, pulled over and got out as fast as I could. After dropping all four windows and a thorough Fabreezing throughout the interior AND trunk, it took me driving around for about five or six miles before it was clear. My second. A young lady with a figure that would match Halle Berry's, hurriedly approached with dress shoes in hand and purse strapped across her shoulder. She was exceptionally beautiful with long dark hair. After getting in, she apologized for running behind. As we pulled away, I told her that it wasn't a problem. And there it was... It wasn't one bad odor, it was several. Her feet as she put on her shoes, her breath when she spoke and her pits and her lower front and rear end were battling each other for the most recognition. I actually threw up a little in my mouth. As it went back down, tears streamed from my eyes and my face felt as if it were about to explode. It was a quick ride to a restaurant where she was meeting coworkers. I could only imagine how tough it would be as an associate of hers. I took the rest of that day off.