be honest: if someone is ugly do you believe he just doesn't have a chance of finding someone?

long story short: I'm 36. in 2007 while I was in Iraq with the Marines our humvee got hit by IED. I was on the turret. I lost my right leg down the knee. now I'm in law school thanks to my GI BILL. so everyone in law school seem to have someone. every time I turn I see couples. I realize I'm much older, even 12 yrs than lots of my fellow students and even tho I look young this might be a reason why I can't seem to really connect with them. I became friends with 4 people so far there. Another reason I think girls don't see me as a date is because of my leg. If it's winter it's somehow less evident but it's there,in summer is just painful to go out looking like this but I wear shorts and that might be another reason.. I don't know... .I do know that I'd like a girlfriend. I also know that because of my GI BILL I can't afford to get very distracted... what do you think?