Lots of improvement

This won't be a full personal story of my very recent battle against VSS but i do feel like I wanted to share this experience

2 months ago my symptoms broke out and since a month ago I've been seeing doctors, so far no official diagnosis but my neurologist is familiar with VS and sent me for several tests, many of which will have results ready by February.

So far only MRI revealed a few small cysts in my skull but my neurologist tells me that these are very common and no reason to worry about, they're also not located in areas that affect vision and they're not showing signs of pressuring anything.

What I found out though is that I've developed 0,5 astigmatism on both eyes, it's unclear to me when this began, i remember having a hard time reading text with bright lights at a distance and seeing street lights properly, but that was only after the VS started, so it's hard to say. It's one of those things that maybe you don't realize if you're used to having perfect vision

So i got my new glasses to correct this and voila, VS is a LOT better, I'd say at least 50% improvement, and i only started wearing my glasses yesterday. Before that i had such a strong eye strain, like i ran a marathon with my eyes, but my vision is more relaxed and i can see and read much better. I also only see the VS when looking at a blank wall or in the darkness

Can't say I'm cured but this has been such a relief, I'll make another post next month when I have more information from my doctors and I'm more used to my new glasses. If I have more signs of recovery I'll share my full story