Walmart not giving me any weekend days off even for college
I’m a Walmart worker in apparel and I have started college and requested to have at least one weekend day off so I can do my homework that I’m given on Fridays and they refuse to give me any weekend day off. I put in several availability forms and they refuse to give any weekend day off. I have to do all school at work (just about) and I often am a little late from 15 min breaks bc I’m legit writing notes over new content because they refuse to give me any weekend day off. I work 1-10 and I stay up late because I never have time to do anything I desire/ doing homework after work. I don’t have time before work to do it I don’t sleep enough. Should I try to find a new job? They r not accommodating my college needs. Do they also disregard your needs when trying to go to college and they won’t open your availability the way you requested it?