To have or to not have a wedding?
my fiancé (25F) proposed to me (26F) back in May 2024. We had wanted to get married in February 2026, we’ve spent the last few months making pinterest boards, ordering free wedding samples, trying to finalize the guest list & looking at venues. But now that we’re to the point of actually making decisions & putting down deposits, we’re finally seeing thru our own excitement & realizing that none of our family or friends are excited about it at all. 3 of my fiancé’s cousins have all gotten engaged between the time we did & now, and her family is vocally excited about their weddings, but haven’t asked anything about ours. Most of my family hasn’t even really acknowledged that i’m engaged at all. All I wanted was a big party, i want everyone to be blackout drunk, i want everyone dancing, i want the fun photo booths & the pretty dress & the bridesmaids & the pictures. But it’s starting to seem like we’d be planning all of this just for pretty much no one to even care about coming. The idea has been thrown around about doing a smaller reception, cutting down the guest list etc. but i think that would just make me sad considering all I wanted was for it to be big & wild & crazy. What would y’all do? bc rn i’m leaning towards courthouse wedding, no reception & just hoping i don’t regret any of it.