Would you resent a destination wedding on Valentine’s Day weekend??

Exactly the question!!

Apart from our immediate family (6 people in total), 99% of our guest list has moved away, and will need to fly or drive in for the wedding.

We’re looking at a small (25-35 ppl) destination wedding (and have given everyone the heads up to prepare until we can secure a venue) in May in Montreal - out of the country, but flights are between 25 min and 2.5 hours for all guests, so it’s not like an 8 hour $1k flight to Europe. We’re providing accommodation for most of our friends. Our theme is already loosely pink and red, because we love those colors, and I’m wearing a pink dress instead of a white one. It’s off season in Montreal, so vendors appear to be super open in February due to the cold.

As younger professionals (late 20s), PTO is a rare and precious thing. But Valentine’s Day 2024 is on a Friday, and the following Monday is a US holiday and many of our friends have off due to their professions.

People could fly in Friday night or Saturday for a welcome party, we could do the wedding Saturday or Sunday night, and people could fly home Monday with the holiday.

I feel like it’d be SO cute and memorable and fun, AND make it easier on our guests.

BUT is it an asshole move to ask everyone, including couples, to give up their valentines weekend to celebrate us instead of each other??

Thanks in advance for your thoughts! //

EDIT: Canadians and northerners have been so helpful and honest that this is a terrible idea due to weather!!! So let me adjust my question: if we want a cold weather wedding but don’t want it to be miserable, is March better? Is it too warm by April to still feel chilly?? Thank you so much everyone!! 🩷