Report and ban @squishypinkstuff

To make this story as detailed as possible. I’ve purchased from this streamer but noticed it took a while to even get a email confirming the item has been marked as shipped and come to find out when I go back into his stream to confront him about why it’s taking so long, he was displaying everything for sale in his stream of the items I have already bought and blocked me after. After sharing this with friends such as fellow streamers and my friends on IG. My friends then confront him as well about him scamming me and they’ve gotten blocked as well. Others went to view his stream to confront him as well after I shared what he had done and they’ve witnessed him cutting the cards I’ve purchased, lying about how many items I purchased, showing his chat my address, as well and made a threat saying he is going to swat me. Whatnot needs to do their thing and permanently ban this guy for good.

Again to everyone in the Whatnot community. !!!!! Beware and Ban @squishypinkstuff !!!!