Successful ways you've had "mental load" conversations with your partner?

I'm a full time working mom with a 15 month old. I've had A LOT hit me at once between work and my personal life these last couple weeks, and I'm really really starting to feel drained, bogged down, and resentful towards my husband. I truly feel like I'm at the end of my rope some days.

First off, I know this sounds like first world problems, but bear with me - we have a cleaning service come to our house biweekly and they are lifesaving. But obviously, whenever they come, the house needs to be picked up accordingly so they can actually clean our house. Thankfully I keep our house relatively tidy, so this whole process takes like 45 minutes. I usually do this prep the night before, but last night was just particularly rough and I did not have the energy to do hardly any of it. Right before going to bed last night, I was picking up our room and while my husband was lying in bed watching me do this, he asked "why are you doing this at 10:00 at night?" I just looked at him and said "Because the cleaners are coming tomorrow?" And he was like "oh, that's tomorrow?" And then proceeded to watch me finish the small tasks.

This my friends, is the mental load my husband claims "doesn't exist for me yet" because our child is still young. I have had so many conversations with him about this and I feel like it just goes in one ear and out the other. I just don't know what to do anymore and I sometimes contemplate divorce purely because I'm just flat out tired of it.

Has anyone else had a conversation with their partners that has actually stuck so they realize they NEED to help? And that you are not the only adult in the fucking house that needs to keep track of everything? I've tried lists, conversations, practically tears. I feel like he listens for like a week but then slips back into our old ways.