Is dying ok ? - Feel bad after dying

As per the title.

Is there anything wrong with dying in regular classic - non hardcore ?

I’ve only been playing for a few months but can be say level 13 and die to a level 8 wolf. I recently started an elf druid an and died 4 times within the span of 15 minutes to the same creature….that i’m 4 levels above.

Immediately afterwards I just feel like i’m horrible and bad at the game and shouldn’t be playing it. I feel like if i ever make it to a road or dungeon know one will want to pick me up.

There’s a lot to the game and it’s overwhelming so since i’ve started playing I purchased RestedXP and just follow that 24/7 but it kinda doesn’t make sense as to why even on the “Hardcore Survival Mode” It would make me do quests that are 3-4 levels above me.