How tf did I not get into this series earlier…
I tried getting into Y0, Judgement and in both cases something happened and I dropped the game after 10 hours ish. So when I was deciding on what game to play next I noticed LAD in my backlog and thought why not give this a go for a few hours and decide what to play next..
Cut to 118 hours of gameplay later, and I’m sitting here with a bigass smile in my face and teardrops shinning at the corner of my eyes, what a game..
I’m not gonna talk about how great the game is, I’m sure you guys already know that, but I’ll share something really strange that happened while playing the game. So for a little context I love to listen to video game music so even tho I haven’t played the games, I love songs like Machine gun kiss, Rasen, Arpeggio and of course Baka Mitai, so I know Kazuma Kiryu from only the music videos and the first 10 hours of Y0. It’s safe to say I didn’t have much connection with the character yet. So idk how they managed it but I was absolutely loosing it when Kiryu made his entrance and punched the shit out of that guy (with the bgm), hell yeah that was the coolest shit in the game..
Now I want to experience the whole Kiryu saga, and I’ll probably start with Kiwami, it’s exciting to find love for a new kind of game and join a new community..