I think I died 2 years ago
Trying to find a new show that’s good from the beginning
Shane squad
Something lighthearted I can binge watch after work? (Non sitcoms)
Suggestions for a good series/ mini series
How can I get karma in reddit?
Minoxidil prescribed pills vs liquid. Any experience with it?
Musk ordered the X hack as a publicity stunt
Spencer hate?
Newest pod reminds me of when he brought on Bobby burns
Canada seems to be changing its stance?
Does eminem have any black fans ?? I have genuinely never met any black eminem fan..Not saying its bad or anything just curious
Side Effects of Ketamine Could Explain a Lot About Elon Musk's Behavior
Nice tv shows about small towns?
How come Eminem almost always plays 3 A.M. when he has a live show, but he says he hates Relapse?
Why did McDonalds literally have to change it’s literally depressing now…
Where's the Epstein, 9/11, and JFK Assassination Files we were promised day 1? Why didn't Trump release them his first term either? Looks like our greatest ally Israel that has blackmail on our entire government is behind all 3 attacks on the USA
Hi, introducing myself as I’m new. Anyone want to say hi that’d be great.
are schizo actually crazy or fr see/hear what we can’t
What conspiracy started it for you?
What is the biggest conspiracy theory you believe is true 100% to the point no one change your mind?
Now I understand why this man doesn’t wanna get a haircut. 😂
Is Shane maga?