What would you ask to someone who knows the secrets of life and death and beyond?
I was harvested - AMA
a spiritual awakening turned emergency will absolutely ruin your human experience
Social media is a deception machine.
Starseeds, how do you recover when negative energy is thrown at you?
Are all babies born post 2012 4D beings?
Have you been through stuff?
If I am everything. And ultimately God... Then why did I choose this life?
You can't save everybody
I think I went too far down the rabbit hole?
A vision specifically for those awakening
Whose prison is it anyway?
Working with fictional characters, what do you recommend?
The most powerful man in human history
Do we have to complete all the lifetimes in order to escape the matrix?
A life that you can't lose.
Do you believe their is true power in the occult?
Scary how much belief influences the world around us
He who has known the world has found a corpse; and he who has found a corpse, the world is not worthy of him.
The dark and sad truth about the Covid vaccine, its spiritual effects and consequences for the soul and physical body
Really enjoyed thelema thanks all
So I think I understand what this is