More SA-16s Coming?
I’m dying to buy a .40 caliber pistol but really wanted to get an echelon chambered in .40. Do you think this is likely to happen anytime soon or should I just buy something else?
Another protest being put together
Fifty Shades of FDE
Is there any reason I shouldn't use a Bach Mouthpiece on a Yamaha Xeno?
FNX-45 Comp Advice
Should Call of Duty: World at War get remastered?
Upgrades on a Tisas?
Recommendation for pistol for concealed carry?
Does anyone want a DA/SA version of the CSX? Call it the CDX maybe
What lead piece for 3c players
Bach 37 vs Yamaha Xeno vs Yamaha Allegro
New "For fun" Horn...
Would you consider these liberty overwatch rounds a gimmick?
20 gauge vs 12 gauge for home defense?
Who else carries a full size and what is it?
Brasspire Unicorn vs Eastman vs ACB Doubler C trumpet
Home defense rifle: complete
Any issues with 2002 Marlin 336W with a jm stamp?
Are Springfield 1911s better than Tisas 1911s in terms of reliability? Which one should I carry and why?
New pickup
If price wasn’t a factor, which would you carry and why? 9mm or .40?
Rossi vs Heritage?
How effective is a machete against undead?
Looking to buy a 1911 and needed input