New card idea: STILTSMAN (open to suggestions and/or questions)
New card idea: HOG CATAPULT (open to suggestions and/or questions)
New card idea: TROJAN PEKKA (open to suggestions and/or questions)
Reworked design 3
Seriously what are you going to do with all this extra gold? I'm so tired of Everytime I collect it I get absolutely nothing.... We need a new reward other than gold!!!
broooo this goblin gang group pic is wholesome af!!
Homebrew fighter subclass: BATTLE MEDIC
Most balanced evo idea: Barbarian Barrel (teleports troops to the tower)
Homebrew fighter subclass: blade wrecker
Homebrew fighter subclass: Blade breaker
Which Omnitrix species would you like to see as antagonists in an episode?
GI would have a field day
What's the most underrated deck in clash royale?
Oath of Ancients/Light Cleric Multiclass?
Who is by far the worst troop in clash royale?
Homebrew Bard subclass: collage of streets
Barb launcher should permanently replace barb hut
Homebrew Ranger Subclass: Conclave of Deathstalker
Homebrew monk subclass: way of the wind slasher
Homebrew Druid subclass: eldritch hunger
Homebrew Ranger Subclass: Conclave of the Deathstalker
Homebrew druid subclass: circle of eldritch hunger
Homebrew Paladin subclass: oath of silence
Homebrew ranger subclass: hidden mist conclave