I don't even wanna know what was going on in this stall
I just kickfliped a car
Sad but true Carlee Spaeny passed over for Ellie roll because Druckmann liked Bella in game of thrones really
I’m broken over 400 hrs of play n building my settlements and collecting power armor and my freaking ps5 melded down I’ve completely lost everything now I’m debating starting over from zero
Am I the only one who thinks Ellie should have killed Abby at the end of tlou2 kinda helps leave room for 3 but for Ellie to go through all that n not follow through! Thoughts
This Ahia-Ko Tower?
Too bad we will never see this duo again. It was really special until you know Neil took over and TLOU2 happened
I’m guilty of this as well
So far in my opinion the game definitely outshines its flaws. “Massive Entertainment” good work 👍
The ones who didn’t get Ellie
Ya'll better chill
Look what I’ve found
Took me forever, but finally beat the Stalker on grounded
I can't decide which one is better, which one you choose
Is this sign ever in the game? Should be.
I'm about to be burned
Am I the only one who hasn't watched the show just because of this?
Question about episode 3
Bella Ramsey has deactivated her instagram account
Pure, Unbridled Aggression
If looks don't matter then why not just cast the voice actors to reprise their roles? I'm really tired of people picking and choosing when an actors looks are relevant.
Just finished the game. It’s a love letter to SW fans.
Honest rating?
They nerfed down Abby’s gains to Match Bella’s appearance
What is wrong with you people?