The subconscious and the higherself are the trap of the archons
What are your thoughts on angelotry and demonolatry?
Worst outcome
i need worst horror books that you read
In your opinion, what's the best way for a horror story to start? I'll go first:
UE5 - Stlize Ortaçağ Kasabası Üretim Süreci
4 ayda ilk 20k
Okula mı gidiyoruz Silent Hill’de miyiz belli değil
It really is like early overwatch again
I want a game with emotional gravitas to make my girlfriend and I cry, like Last of Us 1+2 or RDR2, with beginner-friendly, low-stress play like BOTW. Bonus points if its co-op, but not required (Ps5 or Switch)
How do you just sit back and watch your life get worse knowing you'll never change.
I have become the target of some kind of alien / higher dimensional operation.
dps bad🤓healer good😭
what are the websites aliens use to communicate with eachother
what are the websites that aliens use to comunnicate with eachother
The subconscious isn't apart of you, but something used against you.
itü iktisat mi yoksa odtü iktisat mı ?
Italya yuksek yapmak isteyenlere tavsiye
maskülenite/erillik ile alakalı kitaplar
dune ceviri