Can’t play any of my games due to ‘license’ but can download new ones…
Y’all might have seen this already, but still wanted to share my lock screen here :)
send me your playlist
Desync kind of getting out of hand?
are yall still buying ??
i was keeping this for the next contest but i can't wait anymore lol, enjoy my take on scotty and june :)
Suggestions for songs? Playlist is public on Spotify check it out
absorbe. *Absorbe*
What is happening with this game?
Banger EP (Hatori Hanso)
What are you contestant numbers? (I am 54)
This was my video submission for the Leanne Pelosi “Powder Playground” event
Playing (French) House
Hope you all have a chill day like this guy does :)
This is not a pistol, but is a semi-automatic rifle. V9s 11 hits, AKM 23 hits, and the SCAR 21 hits.
Is there a way to tell, whether a game is in the catalogue or was a monthly essential game?
Whatever I’ve done
Rate my shopping cart. (It’s a late Christmas gift for myself :) )
Does anyone know what this means?
What is this name?
Anyone else think he looks like someone in particular?
Does anyone else think the fast-track sponsor system is broken?
Embark’s approach is obvious, and flawed
Why do people who are this new play world tour😭😭😭