This girl said I could fuck her for 400 dollars
I’m so tired of people playing boring ass stuff
What was the biggest upset in WCC history?
I have to talk about this
Strong Players and Club Players, How Wide is your Repertoire?
i hate when my friends have other friends
How much rare tickets have you saved up?
Is posting about how I accidently used 2 dark catseyes on Ururun a sin?
The most interesting mate I've had in a while, what do you call this one?
Greatest IM of all time?
Best app to create and practice your repertoire
Need help with motivation
these fuckin mods man
Minimum Karma Requirements (Are You Kidding Me?)
Why are you all derenged? People on reddit downvote you without reading your posts/comments without any reason even when they're wrong, WHY?
Best channel to watch chess in?
Kanna Seto AV Debut release date on 24 Jan 2025
r/depression moderated me twice for talking about my dog dying.
Would Alekhine have been the favorite in his match against Keres?
Do you prefer King’s Indian Defense or King’s Indian Attack?
OMG Miss AV got confiscated.
Should I?
[Borusiti] I'll Do It So You Won't Forget | 502645
Which 2 players do you think hate each other the most?