Si volvieran a hacer un mundial en Argentina, como o que les gustaría que fuera la mascota?
Y ustedes como van?
Can we go back in time? 🥲
Average pareja del conurbano
What would you do if you eyes turned into cookies?
How come we kill people who kill people if killing people is wrong?
Always been a daddy’s girl. Aside from my husband, he’s the best man I know.
Do you like Parmesan cheese? Why?
Who's the most criminally underrated "youtuber"?
What’s a food you could eat a million times without getting sick?
Vieron a este chad en Twitter? c: @K4sLi4am
A rainy street in the side mirror 2010 B&W
Where are your grandparents from?
What benefit would you want from the opposite gender?
¿Qué le espera al jubilado que abatió al ladrón adolescente?
What would you do if you started biologically aging backwards literally?