I-216 a planned modification of Alekseyev's I-215 prototype fighter replacing 37 mm guns with two 75 mm autocannons
Don’t know much about trucks, but why is this exhaust so big?
Tell me you know nothing about firearms....
Is it worth $1000 in repairs to road trip my 02 Ranger 4000+ miles through the mountains?
Can someone explain this alignment. I redid my entire suspension and got the alignment today. No clue how to read it
Is this safe?
How tf am I supposed to take this bolt out??
Does this mean my turbo is bad?
Darwin award for two murder suspects.
GF took a magic eraser to my steering wheel, best way to fix up?
What is the valid limit (if any) on firearms/weapons?
Just got a new battery but my car still starts really hard when it’s cold, any ideas?
Amateur welder with a dumb question.
Why do german cars have all these rules for alignments like this? ive never seen stuff like this on american/japanese/korean. does it matter if you dont follow them?
Blueprint Engines. To buy or not to buy?
any advice before i attempt to fix this myself?
What you taking and why
My grandma bought me this dirtbike and said if I sell it, that would hurt her feelings. I already have a 2009 KX250.
No compression on freshly built 289
why does my freshly opened aluminum foil look like this
It looks a little jank, but i made a chain maille welder from a microwave this weekend.
Grrr How dare this Fascist KKKarbrained Nazi not live his life the way we tell him to
Should a parking sensor cost $500 to replace?
Can't you see just how dangerous these trains are?