What’s the most movie/show Accurate figure you’ve ever had/seen? I’ll go first
I don’t think that’s how physics work 😭
I can't take this anymore
Proof that 'The Smiling Man' story is fake.
The Smiling Man is Real
Tell me brothers, do I speak the truth
what In transformers horrified you the most
Force unleashed 2: promotional material
It’s very interesting how force unleashed 2 switches from PS4, to PS3, and PS2 graphics.
What is the single greatest Darth Maul moment in all of Star Wars?
Question for the men: would you rather fight a Bear or a woman?
Carnotaurus I drew while I was out sick, signature on the bottom
Small Pliosaur sketch I drew, experiment I did, white pencil black paper, thoughts?
Little Carnotaurus I drew while I was sick out of school
Paris Catacombs Found Footage
Goat shipping time?
Dawg it’s only been 1 hour 💀
wut u picking? 🤔
People need to stop saying Christians are Homophobic
Stop pretending Genji sucks.
Daughter (19f) dating a controlling lying narcissist
Godzilla VS Jesus action playset
JP3 inspired raptor I drew, thoughts?
Genji’s character development be like
Anyone Wanna Talk About How It Has Been 2 YEARS With No Changes?