What type of curls do I have? Help please
Any tips for more consistent second-day curls?
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Those of you who take 10-15 minutes or less in the shower - HOW?!
what’s my hair pattern?
How much product to use
Super oily skin and scalp from PCOS. I use correct skin care and hair care and the oil just never fails to show up. Also losing so much hair, what can I do externally and internally for this?
how to get rid of Yellow Hair!
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Has anyone tried the honey packets that are supposed get you harder?
4.5 points, who else?
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A coach had asked if i have a medical condition because I use the restroom 1-3 times a day I have no medical form am a bit offended about it.
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Please help me im new and don’t know how to get a fruit
Can I skip to angel v4