Are People in Alberta Really so Kind? :O
New sub for Saskatchewan Grade 12s
As an Albertan going through this sub
Whats the prospect of an EE student getting 100% in score at the university,rare?
Is it too late to change?
For Future Engineers
Waterloo health SCI admission avg
why do so many people post on here about if they can get in with their average??
HUNTER: Why is Hungarian man facing hundreds of charges still in Canada?
[Serious] Accidentally said the n word during my Shopify interview [2B CS]
Got accepted to computer science but worried about what is happening with the protests and destruction
How is this subreddit a real place 😭
How is the Computer Science program here?
Are Engineers proud of their title like Doctors are?
Can I still get accepted to the rest of the programs? I don't remember what my first choice was but I would rather get accepted to Aerospace engineering, but I am worried I put Computer Science as my first choice.
Average EU citizen right now: How can he not like Canada, what's wrong with him?
What do you guys think about Electroboom ?
Have you noticed that people have become significantly more politically active in recent weeks?
Are TN Visas cooked? Is this the end of the Waterloo to USA pipeline?
Is Upgrading the Canadian Army a Mission Impossible?
Another plane crash...this time in Philadelphia.
Is it morally acceptable to join the caf
parents that doesnt know anything about uni admission
Is this job posting simply delusional or is it some weird type of scam for government subsidies? (Canada btw, I made more working as a lifeguard as a 16 year old)