Can QC Add a Microwave in the Science Building or Library?
Cheap & Spicy Meal Ideas for a Student in Queens, NYC?
CuminClub review. Lesson learned the hard way.
How Can I Swap Professors After the Add/Drop Deadline? (CS Department)
Enrolled late, stuck with a rough professors - svitak and Phillips —need advice!
Quick Advice Needed: CS 340 Operating System Principles with John Svadlenka or Joseph Svitak
Thoughts about my classes (CS Major)
Svitak 340 and 316
Should I switch CSCI 340 with CSCI 370? Heard mixed reviews about the professor.
Any easy college option literature courses?
College Option Literature Course
How is Joseph Svitak for CSCI 340?
Credits per semester
Easy Writing "W" Courses or Alternatives for Flexible Core & Additional Core Requirements?
Question About WRT 165W and Core/Writing Requirements
Citadel OA
Citadel Campus OA
Citadel Software Engineering Campus Assessment 2024-2025
Haven't Secured an Internship Yet—Is It Too Late to Apply? Need Advice!
PSA: If you are looking for an easy online and asynchronous course to satisfy Queens College's literature requirement, there is a fully online section of HEBREW 150 that could be cancelled due to low enrollment.
Course Load Advice Needed 🙌
susan kuhn - bus com, bala 201w
WRT(W) writing intensive suggestion for A
Looking for 2-3 accountable buddies to start neetcode 150
How difficult is to take 4 upper divisions CS in one semester