Breakfast is the hardest part of the day.
Are all the ppl saying they don't see a problem with Amazon locking us in bots or what?
Ignore all the panic. Decided to stay with kindle
How to fix scratches on the screen
multiple kindles reasoning
Linking an ADHD's child's allowance to homework?
How to purchase Kindle book
Buying a Kindle on FB Marketplace
I just got a Kindle and my God.. Im scared!
Kindle with ghost touch.
Help me with boot and bindings
Got told by 2 male doctors I have BPD (not diagnosed yet)
My first ever Kindle and it’s pink!
Post your kindle!! 🤍🤎
Do you use screen protectors on your kindle?
US Onyx Storm readers.. we’re missing parts of the book!
My first ever paper white kindle! Need advice from experienced pros
Did your parents limit your reading growing up?
why does grad school feel infinitely harder on the psyche than undergrad?
New Kindle Suggestion, please
Do people get sleepy when reading from Kindle?
I can’t take it anymore. If I see one more “should I buy a kindle” post I’m gonna lose it.
A General Observation
First time Kindler! Recalls pls
How much time do you read per day and when do you do it?