This isn't political. I don't think trans-women or trans-girls should be allowed to compete in women's or girls sports. How is this transphobic?
What would be the Jumping of the Shark for you?
Those That Were Not Previously Bravo Fans - Has Traitors Influenced You to Start Watching Bravo Shows?
Speculation for the last traitor standing
Island of the Idols 2
Survivor Contestants I Would Like To See On The Traitors
Recent viral Survivor 50 cast list is fake
Victoria says she didn't get asked to do S50. 😢
Which player from Marquesas is more likely to be on 50: V or Sean?
Someone explain to me why Parvati's HvV game is seen as GOATed (I think it might be her worst season unironically)
How many seasons until we get an all star cast?
australian survivor: australia v the world will air in q3
Watching the "alpha" males squirm
The Official Reddit Survivor 50 Fancast - Second Chance RESULTS!
Just wanted to say that the Yellowjackets fanbase is one of the most unproblematic I’ve ever been in.
Traitor Rankings (US)
Jeff and Callie are the only redeemable characters left…
Toxic masculinity
"Everytime a winner played" ranking idea
Is This An Accurate Assessment of New Era Players Chances of Being on 50?
What big Survivor names are left for future seasons of Traitors?
After 47, how would you rank the New Era’s FTC losers
How would you rank the new era seasons?
Season 50 - Players with incomplete story arcs?
I thought South Pacific was supposed to be apart of the Dark Ages