Happy Saturday to everyone
What's your favourite cheapo beer in Ontario?
08-12 escape transmission reliability? Is it really?
No biggie, just two limited Twins
Is this area a good place to live?
Stephen King Books – Which Ones Are Worth Reading? I’ve Only Read Carrie
2.5L Duratec clicking/knocking sound
What should I read next?
I Must Ask!
Reading the Dark Tower for the first time. Book one done, book 2 started.
What King books did you not finish, or consider not finishing?
Journey to the Tower…
The Stand or IT?
Recommend me
Haul! Which is your favorite of these and which should I read first??
Hallelujah They Back!!
What did yall think?
What should I read next? Gerald’s Game or Misery?
Missing Summons
King Books I’ve Read So Far
What to read next?
Which book fits the best?
Is this worth anything?