Islamic cleric kicks out the first wife from the train in front of the second wife in Bangladesh
Train Firework
Islamist mob attack and vandalize Women's College over music performance in Bangladesh
Islamist mob attack and vandalize Women's College over music performance in Bangladesh citing singing and dancing by girls is blasphemous in Islam
Madrasa Huzur kicks out the first wife from the train in front of the second wife
Railway Employee Shamelessly Throws a Bag of Waste from a Moving Train
Kj somaiya institute of Management
KJ Somaiya Updates!!
Peace is always better than war
WOW! I’m getting downvoted by the butthurts just for stating the fact😂
The Human Cost of WW2 in Europe
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Masha Allah, P in Pakistan stands for Progressive
the irony is impalpable
Thoughts on Akhand Bangladesh?
Violent religious mob attacked girls for playing football in Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Ahmedabad, India