When is Crusch Lulu coming to LoN?
Wasn't edge of irrevocable turned into onehanded?
Looks like Edge of the Irrevocable can come in different sizes and nobody talked so far about it?
Zaryusu teams?
Do I understand Yuri wrong?
Stuck at 99%
1 Maintanence, full of Problems for me...
After the shields, here is the first set of sword! What do you think?
Missing Model from army
Can you guess which one’s fully 3d printed?
Finished Doom Marine/Doom Slayer Conversion
My first ever painted mini!
Rip and tear for the Emperor, until it is Done
Totally not printed Chapter Master
My own Chapter Master
We are giving away a mad STL Collection and 5e Adventure for FREE. Enter the Marshes and Madlands [Info in Comments] [Mod Approved] [OC] [Art]
Jump Pack variants
Doubts on Blood Angel specific marine units.
What detachment to give my custom chapter?(
My take on a Nine-Ball cosplay build. Opinions?
C'TAN army
CSM Soulforged Warpack Army (Opinions welcome)
Casual CSM Soulforged Warpack List Opinions
Moirax loadout
Atrapos Cerastus Knight visuals, opinions?