How hot is Kyle Butler?(1 - 10)
Do you guys think Osamason was inspired by Munnie Renegade Fetish Demon
Is there a differnce between slam metal and slamming brutal death metal
Rainbow Bridge 4 True Religion New Collab Jacket $500 Only On SALE %50%
sometimes you just gotta make weird shit
Why does Ice bucket challenge not just kill zebra
Tha rizzlr 😏
new shirt!
*rare* Hi-C lore
This games name generation is ridiculous
This Reddit used to be oldheads and junkies who kept up with the underground when hi-c had less than 5k on Spotify now it’s all neuro-divergent high schoolers
Legit check pls
Birthday ootd
device name ideas
og ran thru her walls on Spotify 😵💫😵💫😵💫
kanye disses rino
so even sandstorm think chakram are OP thoughts ?
Thank you hi-c for loving us all ❤️
Favorite Slam bands/albums
Gm added me back on snap🔥🔥🔥
New domd is amazing
What type of cross chain is he wearing?
Hottest dude in the ug
Maaaaan fuck this guy and his stupid looking face
My favorite rapper smokedope2016