My father-in-law , vs Charles Darwin. My FIL definitely has a better smile
Squirrel watch. A view from behind
You love to see it.
The Turks and Caicos Islands on September 26, 2024 from the ISS
Where was I last week?
Can you find the black dot?
In light of all of the posts asking for “decorating advice”, let’s play…SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!
Is my dog in trouble?
What animal made these ?
Tell me what your favourite flag
Tick ID?
What part of the US am i n?
Which is the proper tool bit to use to open my blueberries?
Beautiful Photo Spot
Watermark Robot!!
'Slightly' Overdesigned House, Wildwood, NJ, can this be McMansion?
What can you infer about me based on my travel map?
i’ve lived in 3 states, i’m 20
Grew up in Nola and live in Austin,TX. Where’d I go to college?
Where was I?
Where was I for the holidays last year?
Where was I in the fall of 2023?
Where was I in January of 2020?