He's done this to me both times he's seen me in the pet store now. What does it mean?
He’s not 4 weeks..🤨
A parrot followed me and flew into my house.
Color mutation experts needed!
Baby nr 1 has officially been taken out for hand feeding
Pros and cons of owning a lovebird?
Which bird should I get from these 2
How do I treat my budgie's legs?
Baby number 2 & 3 born today!
rescued bunny from cats, what do i do?
First baby of the year
AITA for refusing to sell baby lovebirds to my best friend?
how could you not date someone bc of parrots
Large Holland Lop?
AITH for refusing to sell one of my baby lovebirds to my best friend?
What kind of lovebird is this?
What subspecies?
Clipped wings
Help, what can the vets do about this ?
Anyone willing to foster a few bunnies?
Pet store labeled these as dwarf lionheads?
This is a daily reminder
Is this noise normal?
My bunny keeps kicking her litter out