Does anyone do sherpas and have a discord I can follow to hop into one?
When is pantheon coming back?
Very loose outlet box that prior owner tried holding together with glue, should I replace the box or something else?
BUNGIE can we see the Season of the Haunted armour sets be added to the store?
Does anyone have a good warlock pvp build?
Are you guys excited for Heresy?
No new exotic armors in Heresy
What would be best option/wire to run
Whats a tool you guys wish you knew about sooner or you think everyone should have?
Curious whether any electricians would take this job?
What the #1 reason you aren’t playing Destiny right now?
What should I do with this space?
Who is your first prime frame?
Has anyone ever used this?
What are the best wire strippers you have ever used?
Has anyone ever seen this go on sale?
I was anti crafting until this season.
What do you guys use this for?
Is aleca frame safe to use?
Is there anyway for me to see what weapons have and haven’t been vaulted?
Will this exhaust fan still work fine?
What are the top 3 melee weapons?
Is there anywhere for me to look to see what the best way to farm certain warframes or other gear?
Whats the best warframe to complete the steel path
What should I spend my plat on as a new player?