Online etwas Geld dazu verdienen
Is television dead to you, or are you still watching something? What year do you think it died?
Rassistische Attacken nehmen zu, ich traue mich langsam nicht mehr aus dem Haus
Since when 36 become officially old?
At What Point Would You Leave the U.S.?
What was the first major news story you remember as a child?
What kind of childish things do you do?
Wonderfully modular sculpts by Vae Victis Miniatures for my undead warband.
What game is so recognizable you only have to say a quote from it?
Dads, how often were you ill when your kid was a toddler?
Was bin ich sehend
3. Versuch potentiell gerissen - Prüfungsvoraussetzungen anfechtbar?
What’s something NSFW that you tried once and immediately regretted?
IT work that does not require officewear/monkeysuits?
Why does California have a massive valley cutting through the center of the state?
What have you accomplished this year?
Amtsärztliche Untersuchung NRW - ‚Verwaltung/Büro‘
How did you discover wargaming?
Tagegeld zu niedrig
So viel Raum für Aktivitäten!
Are the names "Edwin" and "Erwin" old fashioned?
Falschüberweisung auf mein Konto, was tun?
What is something that is so dangerous you are surprised it is legal?
Pokal hinter Trump???
What’s the rarest animal you have ever encountered?