Tragic :(
Stumbled into the backrooms of downtown Portland.
Nice Try…😂
Got downvoted to 0 on /food so thought this belongs here
Happening Now…. And Maxine forgot to comb her wig this morning.
Wife gifted me my dream guitar
my favorite “snack”
I live on a sailboat so I have few places where things could be hidden. But I found this coin in a cupboard and I have never seen it before. I don't know where it came from or why I have it but is it worth anything? I live in Canada and my boat is from England so this coin has no business being here
South Africa passed a law that will confiscate white farmers' lands. Trump is now halting all aid to the country and will "promote the resettlement of Afrikaner refugees" into the US. I support both of these initiatives. We could use law-abiding and productive Afrikaners in the US.
My 18 year old baby🧡🤍🤎
Oh man…
I tried to steal his tail so now he is having to hold it.
23F you can say what ever you want
Can anyone identify what kind of cat my cat is?
Some of my collection
Been on the single ingredient diet for 2 months now. boiling eggs longer than 7.5 min is a crime in this house
I am the Onion God
back w short hair. 28f, insomniac for 3+ yrs, unemployed, digestive issues up the wazoo. do your worst.
Female activist arrested for tearing down US flag, replacing with Mexico’s at California park: ‘This is Mexican land, motherf—ker’
My 18 yr old lady
I did it to myself. I posted *about* the song, now I have the goddamn earworm. So, I figured I’d share it with all of you. 😘
Is that worth to repair?
Where is the outrage on the findings of where the money was going?
$1.49 each today. Didn’t see the Hulk Hogan autograph and COA until I got home.
Any midwesterners around?