How would you rank the US traitors from season 3?
Traitor Rankings (US)
How shocked would you be to see her on S50?
what's an unfair elimination in Hell's Kitchen in your opinion?
Thinking of the worst players that thought they were actually good
T'kor's Loyalty to Chelsie
Ben's Idol Play in HvHvH Was The Wrong Move
How in the World Did This Get Pulled Off?
where would woo rank?
HK Most Shocking Non-Nominations (IMO)
What were the chances of Vinny being eliminated in this episode?
Unfair nominations?
The character development in season 2 is so good 😭😭
Which of these rivalries turned friendship should not have happened in your opinion?
Unpopular opinion
Anyone disagreed when Natalie (S9) got eliminated over Elise (S9)?
Updated Best Winners list:
Which scheme do you think was harder to pull off?
Is This An Accurate List of Fallen Angels’ Chances of Winning?
Why were the liars even friends with Allison in the first place?
Unpopular opinion: Rachel had every right to be mad at Santana for being her understudy.
The Big Brother Archives Are On Fire....
My biggest issue with BB26
Let’s argue Miguel won the school fight