Give me a headcanon about my character, and I'll give you one about yours!!
Little hut I made because I like the new Desert stuff.
Portrait 549, by AEA, fountain pens, 2025
Idk if someone already asked but, what song deserves or doesn't deserve a extended version?
Im not sure if i cooked or not
Dropping the Catalog Avatar OCs🤑🤑
Back for round 2: Banger or flop (I don’t got a lotta accessories)
Is this a banger or what
Who wins?
what does my art taste/smell like?
Which ranking is your avatars world?
She's coming to hunt you down and your main avatar must protect you , how screwed are you?
"Heatwave" acrylic on canvas, enjoy!!
{|How are the builders feeling about the new snapshots?|}
Yall think I’m a beginner? (Mostly tattoo designs as I am getting an apprenticeship soon)
Duck guy white washed (and geeked off of fentanyl) clay sculpture
An ink illustration I’m working on
Armenian Landscapes
Some of my current favorite landscape paintings. Does anyone here have some good photos that you would be willing to share with me to use as painting inspiration?
"Balloon" clown 🎈
Which song will motivate me enough to get out of bed just to turn it off?
Whats your favourite part about being an artist?
What does my art taste like?
Painting from 2021, “Block Party”, Acrylic on wood
What does my art smell like?