Mi-nyeo is Chaotic Neutral, who's Lawful Evil? Most upvoted wins
A is for Ali 🥺 B is for...
Which one is the most sociopathic?
Ali is pure. Which character is expendable?
Why is there always a victim of abuse in kdramas?
Make the comments look like this guy's search history
Alternate universe 🤣
Why did I think 095 and 222 were the same person
If you were given a pass, what would you take from a idol?
Which Anime Characters Backshot do you prefer?🔥
What has he give us except his lethal face card?
He's so silly, I love him already!
How did you react to this moment
There is no reason to bring them back...
Thanos being so easy to identifiable in crowd lol
Seems about right
Which one of these assholes dies first?
Everything we know about Season 3 so far [MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!]
What Season 1 characters do you think would have or wouldn’t have joined the revolt?
Did anyone notice that there is only 1 Real bullet?
Other than she's a fine young cutie, a sassy little baddie, the lovely lady Player 380 - why does the fan base love Se-Mi so much?
EveRYoNe iS AcTuALly A vIp sECreTLy
Some people give him too much Credit
nobody asked this so ı do whats your favourite character in all squid game? mine:
Ranking of major squid games characters