USS Kelcie Mae in 2259 of the Prime Timeline
OP threatens to jumping jack above petty elderly disabled neighbour. R/amioverreacting responds.
A debate over what is oniony in r/nottheonion
Can we stop removing posts about what’s going on?
r/SubredditDrama censors Discussions around Subreddit Drama
r/WhitePeopleTwitter has been temporarily banned after Elon Musk posted about it.
If you could live anywhere in the RVA area (and money was no object), where would you live?
Good films about being trans?
Star Trek Nemesis
How to resist
A post titled “Grandpa hated Nazis so much he helped kill 25,000 of them in Dresden” stirs a debate on /r/pics
OP doesn't understand that their kid shagging another kid in school is frowned upon
Today is 5 years since the U.S. declared public health emergency over COVID-19, what are your thoughts on the pandemic in retrospect?
Painting PVC molding
Picard S3 was a truckload of memberberries, slathered in bitterness, despair, cynicism, and anger. Is that 'really' what you wanted...?
Severance - 2x03 "Who Is Alive?" - Episode Discussion
“GAMERS ARE BEING ACTIVELY GENOCIDED ON REDDIT AND YOU'RE LAUGHING.” /r/gamingmemes replacement sub /r/freegamingmemes is now banned. Drama spills across multiple subs as Redditors celebrate and demand retribution
What is John Williams' Best Hero Theme?
Star Trek First Contact
UPDATE: River Lofts/Tobacco Row Management Has Spoken
Recent acquisition, I'm curious your opinions.
What was the most outrageous quote you’ve ever gotten?
"Shield up, red alert!" The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit phaser banks and deflector dish were destroyed by Krall's Swarm Ships before the warp nacelles and saucer module were sheared off the starship's secondary engineering hull over the planet Altamid in the year 2263 of the Kelvin Timeline.
Users of r/PublicFreakout doxx the wrong Karen, causing an innocent woman to get suspended from TikTok and hit with death threats. Moderator step in, bans a bunch of people, and makes a follow-up post.
Neo constitution class enterprise -G