Why do people hate catholics so much?
Woke State Rep. Sterilizes Herself To OWN Trump
Which side are you on?
Just because
Well, that didn't age well...
After Almost 6 Years in Mississippi, I Experienced My First Racism Episode
Is it Socially Acceptable to name your kid after a US State
I am genuinely confused why so many Jews still hate Trump. He’s done more for the Jewish community in 1 month with his executive orders than Biden has in 4 years.
Has the daily wire become a trump propaganda machine?
Criminal Alien Hotels? $59 Million WASTED Per Week
Libs Try to IMPEACH Trump After Just 16 Days
Empty days are glorious
Big Game RECAP: We Won!
Is it offensive to Mass to wear sports polos
Trump did that
are we thinking the same thing?
Michael Settles VIRAL Internet Debates (YT)
As a German, I say, a fricking stone should be able to defeat trump.
Brokeback Sal
Trump and Elon Prove the Media Really Are Fake
Shoutout To The Parents of Impractical Jokers
Is RDR2 gay, retarded garbage?
The alphabet goes a b c d . . .