spotted at a gamestop in San Antonio TX
Any pointers on how to set this room up? Found some cool hekman pieces on the side of the road along with the slatted table/bench
Nurse said it’s the highest she’s ever seen
Low Diastolic when Systolic barely in range
Ideas to upgrade my setup
has anyone had a POSITIVE experience with amlodipine ?
Amlodipine side effects ?
Lower Bp after intercourse
It's cassette but is it also futurism?
Huge Star Wars Millennium Falcon “Extraordinaire” with plaque… set piece maybe?
How do you clean this?
Vitsoe 606 Ikea dupe with Besta and Boaxel
What is this cord?
Buff dr pepper
where can i find someone to repair a vinyl record console?
i can not believe these were at my thrift store. oh my goodness
Would you guys pay $175 for this? Guy said everything works
Local gas station was going to throw this away! I'll just stick it in my man cave.
43, 2 weeks until my wife moves in
anyone know where i can sign my elementary age son up for boxing classes?
Memphis style
My first NASCAR hat! What do you all think?
look what I found for $50 at an antique store!!
31m | durham | homebody
my 1/12 Abu Dhabi 2021 model arrived!!