Canary Islands DNA
Just bought it how’s she look?
One of my highschool best friends died today
Why does everyone on the boat have such a stick up their ass?
I dont have rolling paper or bong. Is there any way to smoke?
Question regarding Luka
Rhapsody of the Sea
Other games like Hell Let Loose?
I may have messed up, can someone clarify?
Question (sorry in advance if unrelated)
Trying to interpret my results as an adpotee
Does anyone know the reason for this?
Updated results after my dads came in
Puerto Rican, should I do a face reveal?
23 and me Afro Puerto Rican but only 11 percent African? Wonder if this will disappear next update
Suggestions for games on the switch
Switch or OLED Switch
The lottery is a trap to catch time travelers
Thoughts? Is this carelessness?
Is this illegal???
Looking for some good quality jeans
What do yall think of the yellow on this backpack?
I want to become a auto painter
Are akzonobel hands on classes free?? Body shop said they’d pay for it and I commit 3 years, but akzo website made it seem as they are free?